Hull Bulk Handling offers a covered bulk storage facility.

Hull Bulk Handling operates a 60,000 tonne capacity Covered Bulk Store for the storage of dry bulk cargoes. The Covered Store is linked directly to Hull Bulk Handling's discharge conveyor system and quayside. This allows product to be discharged directly ex-ship, through hopper, and transported by covered conveyor system directly into the Covered Store. The customer's cargo does not touch the quayside or ground at any stage of the discharge operation, thereby eliminating any risk of contamination with other products or extraneous material.

Storage capacity of the Covered Store is dependent upon the bulk density of the cargo being discharged and the number of cargoes being stocked within the Covered Store at any one time. Multiple small cargoes kept in separate stock-piles reduces the total storage capacity of the store.

Moveable concrete walls and concrete STEL-CON units can be placed within the store in order to assist with product and cargo segregation.

A lean-to adjacent to the Covered Store allows road vehicles collecting product ex-Covered Store to be loaded in dry dust-free conditions within the lean-to and sheeted over undercover prior to onward dispatch.

Please contact Hull Bulk Handling directly to discuss your covered storage requirements.

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